Most Popular Flooring Options

If you are looking to replace your home’s existing flooring, that means that you have the opportunity to update your flooring to some of the most popular trends of the end of 2019 and the start of 2020! Flooring is one of the best ways to implement a theme in your home as your floors take up the most space in the home right behind the walls. Do you want to know what the biggest trends in 2019 and 2020 are in the flooring department? Well down below, we have outlined the top 5 most popular flooring systems in homes today and why you should consider them; and why you shouldn’t!
In 2019, carpet is still the most used flooring system in the residential setting. From providing comfort with a cushioned surface to adding warmth to any room it is placed in, carpet is still a capable flooring system. Many homeowners still use and will keep using carpet as it is an affordable material as averages have carpet being installed at 7-12 dollars a Sq Ft. depending on the type & quality of the carpet used, size of the room and if any carpet protectors are used. But while carpet has benefits, it also has disadvantages that make some homeowners stay away from the flooring like how easy it is to stain or become dirty, how visible wear patterns are, and the fact that carpet is the #1 contributor to poor air quality in 4-10 American homes. Needless to the cons of carpet, we think that carpet will continue to be one of the most popular flooring systems in the residential setting for decades to come.
Epoxy Floors
A newcomer to the most popular flooring systems in the home is epoxy flooring. Up until the last couple of years, epoxy was considered a coating that was best suited for commercial facilities and garages but, epoxy offers benefits that can be implemented into homes that will increase livability. For example, epoxy has a seamless and nonporous design, while that can increase the home’s aesthetic appeal, it also makes maintenance extremely easy and offers resistance to stains. Epoxies are also affordable as they average a price of 3-12 dollars a Sq Ft. In the higher pricing points of epoxy is metallic epoxy flooring, a system known for its dazzling finishes that can mimic the appearance of waves, clouds, and even lava! Epoxy also has some downsides as well like- its slippery surface, common adherence problems in moist areas, and can be difficult to DIY.
Chances are if you walk into any home built in the 2010’s you will find that bathrooms, kitchens and laundry areas will have tile installed and its for good reason. For example, there are millions of different variations of tile ranging from natural stone, marble and other textures or colors on the market today, making it easy to craft a finish that is one of a kind. Tile flooring will cost anywhere between 5-20$ a Sq Ft depending on the type and quality of the tile, costing less than hardwood but more than carpet. A downside of tile is that they don’t hold heat very well which is why many homeowners avoid tile when installing bedroom flooring, not to mention the are very slippery when they become wet and are very hard so if you slip on tile, chances are you are leaving with a bruise or a cracked tile.
Concrete Flooring
Just like epoxy flooring, concrete flooring has been a staple in the trends of 2019. Concrete floors are perfect for the industrial theme that has been popular for years and shows no signs of becoming outdated! Concrete floors are also on of the most affordable options on our list as chances are, you already have concrete flooring directly underneath your existing flooring so all costs to install flooring consist of removing existing flooring as a necessity and options like sealers, stains or decorative overlays are also an option. Using concrete flooring is also the perfect way to decrease your carbon footprint by reducing the materials required to craft your new flooring system. But, just like every other flooring system, there are downsides like how hard concrete is, prone to cracking and its inability to hold heat or cold.
With the growing trend in DIY solutions, laminate has become one of the most popular flooring systems for homes today. They are easy to DIY as they are constructed with edges and ends that act as clips that enable the tiles or planks to snap together so no nailing or glues are required for installation, unlike traditional wood floors. Laminate is also an eco-friendly material as no exotic trees or overgrowth are used to produce laminate flooring. But, even laminate that states to be waterproof is susceptible to water damage making infeasible to use in bathrooms, basements or kitchens. Laminate also cannot be repaired like real wood, so once your floor has become damaged, it will need to be replaced and because of the interlocking design, the entire floor may need to be torn up.
Honorable Mentions
  • Polished Concrete
  • Bamboo
  • Engineered Wood
  • Hardwood
  • Rubber Floors
  • Cork Flooring